Thursday, August 27, 2020

Discourse on inequality Essay Example For Students

Talk on imbalance Essay Report On A Discourse On Inequality, By Jean Jacques RousseauIn Rousseaus book A Discourse On Inequality, he investigates the subject of where the general disparity among men originated from. Disparity exists monetarily, basically, among various ages, sexual orientations, races, and in practically all different regions of society. In any case, Rousseau thinks about that there are extremely two classes of disparity. The first is called Natural/Physical, it happens as an effect of nature. It incorporates imbalances old enough,, wellbeing, real quality, and the characteristics of the psyche and soul. The second might be called Moral/Political imbalance, this essentially happens through the assent of men. This comprises of the benefits one gathering may have over another, for example, the rich over poor people. Rousseau reached the resolution that the most ideal approach to inspect the imbalance in the public arena is to analyze the start of humanity itself. He attempted to envision the early condition of man expecting there was ever really a state where man existed distinctly with the nature, in a lone, and crude way of life. He didn't anyway return as far to the possibility of the Neanderthal man to look at the thoughts man held and where they originated from. Rather, he took a gander at a state where man looked, and appeared to have indistinguishable physical capacities from he does today. Rousseau additionally surrenders that a period where the thoughts of government, possession, equity, and bad form didn't exist might not have ever existed. On the off chance that what numerous religions let us know is valid, at that point, in keeps an eye on starting, he was from the beginning, passed on laws from god which would impact his reasoning and choices. Through this, the main way such a perio d could come about would need to be through some cataclysmic occasion, which would not exclusively be difficult to clarify, yet therefore, difficult to demonstrate. Thusly, envisioning this state could demonstrate humiliating, however would be a logical inconsistency to the Holy Scriptures. In the common state, Rousseau proposes that we should strip man of all the powerful endowments he may have been given through the span of time. He says we ought to think about him, in a word, similarly as he probably originate from the hands of nature, we see in him a creature more fragile than a few, and less coordinated than others; be that as it may, taking him all around, the most favorably sorted out of any. He presumes that keeps an eye on necessities would be effectively fulfilled. His food was handily picked up, similar to his rest, and he was without need of haven. Fundamentally, every one of his needs were handily provided and gotten. Things being what they are, the place at that point, can a general public come to fruition wherein there can be social minorities and dominant parts? Basically, this is the thing that Rousseau needed to know. Man probably started with just absolutely creature capacities. His sight and his touch more likely than not been his essential condition. This condition is regular among creatures. What at that point separated man from the creatures was to will, and not to will, to want, and to fear. Those eventual the first, and likely the main tasks of his spirit. This would remain so until an event showed up where these thoughts would should be extended, and new thoughts made. Rousseau suggests an intriguing conversation starter when he asks: why an individual who has neither feelings of trepidation nor wants should give himself the difficulty of thinking. He says it is by the action of our interests that our explanation is improved. We want information simply because we wish to appreciate. We would close then that vanity is the wellspring of our development, however it isn't really so as indicated by Rousseau. Man despite everything had only essential wants, he didn't know about the joy he may understanding outside of the demonstration of fulfilling his essential needs: Food, Sleep, and Intercourse. Man realizes just what nature shows it, and nature to him turns out to be increasingly aloof, he has no profound mystical sort requests, no foreknowledge or interest. Consequently, in spite of the fact that later on, the possibility of vanity is probably going to be a guide, which would cause an exponential increment in the thinking, henceforth development of the psyche and creative mind, it couldn't be the start. Strangely, the acknowledgment of death would be one of the initial steps made by man in leaving from the creature state. It might have occurred through the relationship of agony with death. Agony being the main negative thought/feeling the crude man had, the torment related with it could move thought, and picking up/thinking. A similar way man figures out how to chase and not to be gotten is a similar way he could learn he wouldn't like to pass on, not on account of the result but since of the anguish in kicking the bucket. .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e , .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .postImageUrl , .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e , .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:hover , .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:visited , .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:active { border:0!important; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:active , .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:hover { darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u344f925bc94f8d dc1d5407dc098bb57e .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u344f925bc94f8ddc1d5407dc098bb57e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Media As A social Problem EssayRousseau then thinks about the thoughts of language prompting society, or society prompting language. Language would be a need for going along thoughts and information starting with one then onto the next, if there was just a basic culture made out of family (mother-youngster) they may have built up their own language, yet without a doubt it would not have had the life span to develop into a standard language, and Rousseau shows that he puts stock all together for correspondence as perplexing as language to occur, there must be the association of a higher source. Anyway expecting that isn't in this way, and in spite of the fact that not required by those people existing around then, language would develop from a fundamental and not valuable cry of nature, it would be utilized in an event, for example, to call for help, yet would have little use in passing on sentiments and thoughts. As keeps an eye on thoughts developed so would his language on the off chance that he wished to pass on his considerations, subsequently the introduction of the main most crude language. The breaking point comes now when Rousseau recounts what is the specific point where imbalance starts. This Is Mine, as indicated by Rousseau, the second somebody got it in their mind to state this and was accepted by another, is where disparity starts. That second was the explanation behind all the wars, gore, violations, and setbacks, and so forth which common society has confronted. He offers an amazing expression when he says all that could have been forestalled on the off chance that somebody had stated: Beware of tuning in to this sham; you are fixed on the off chance that you once overlook that the products of the earth have a place with every one of us, and the earth itself to no one. Be that as it may, where did this thought originated from? Rousseau says there more likely than not been a long and complex procedure for learning the means important to go to the possibility of proprietorship. Troubles more likely than not emerged in keeps an eye on life making him need to lear n better approach to overcome them, he may have needed to make apparatuses which gave him one more bit of leeway over the creatures. At the point when he understood this, he would perceive himself as a person through the pride he would pick up the second he took a gander at himself for he would be at the highest point of the evolved way of life. As the human populace developed, he would be in contact with them all the more frequently, inevitably seeing that their practices reflected what his would be if in a similar circumstance. He would find that now and again it would be to the advantage of his prosperity to be joined by those of his own sort. From the outset, these gatherings would be kept up for just as long as it took to serve the ideal objective. In any case, in the end the gatherings life expectancy would increment essentially on the grounds that in more occasions staying a piece of the gathering was to a greater extent an advantage then not. Since bunches were consistently together, they started to grow their insight, their device making capacities had expanded, they figured out how to make cabins, and did so in light of the fact that they accepted they were simpler to protect. Others would not attempt to assume control over this hovel, not on the grounds that it had a place with the person who fabricated it, yet either in light of the fact that it served no utilization to them, they were more fragile, they could assemble it themselves, or in all probability, they realized that they

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Porters 5 Forces free essay sample

Watchmen 5 powers examination is a system for industry investigation and business procedure advancement created by Michael E. Watchman in 1979 of Harvard Business School. It utilizes ideas created in Industrial Organization (IO) financial matters to infer 5 powers that decide the serious force and along these lines engaging quality of a market. Doorman alluded to these powers as the microenvironment, to balance it with the more broad term full scale condition. They comprise of those powers near an organization that influence its capacity to serve its clients and make a benefit. An adjustment in any of the powers regularly requires an organization to re-evaluate the commercial center. Procedure advisors use Porters five powers system when making a subjective assessment of an organizations vital position. The system is course reading material for present day business considers and subsequently broadly known. Watchmen Five Forces incorporate three powers from even rivalry: danger of substitute Porter gave a structure that models an industry as being impacted by five powers. We will compose a custom article test on Doormen 5 Forces or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The vital business chief looking to build up an edge over adversary firms can utilize this model to all the more likely comprehend the business setting in which the firm works. Our essential target is to dissect the Telecommunication business of Sri lanka utilizing Porter’s Five powers outline work.. In this report we attempt to examine about the Porter’s Five powers ,taking every one of them independently and think of its interrelationship with the current Telecommunication industry. These days in Sri lanka, Telecommunication is an industry which has a fast development with the time. As there are number of contenders rivaling each other to get the fascination of the clients ,we can have a palatable assistance which can satisfy our wants. The essential ideas of Porter’s rule unmistakably characterizes the principle jobs of a specific contender which attempts to make due in the business of Telecommunication in Sri Lanaka. Media transmission is an industry which has spread over a wide range. Be that as it may, Porter’s rule can be applied to this industry to get a diagram of how the business is being constrained by those elements. What are Porter’s five edge factors and how they are interrelated with one another. The above picture outlines the fundamental ideas in the Porter’s five edge work. These ideas assumes the significant job of existent of a specific industry. Media transmission is an industry which has gotten a lot of advancement through the most recent couple of years. Regarding Telecommunication industry we can break down the over five components. 1. )Contention among existing firms.. With the improvement of the business, various organizations came to party. These organizations utilize a few methods to draw in the clients towards their organization items. Instances of a couple of organizations in Sri Lanka which conveys the media transmission administrations to the general public: Dialog Mobitel Suntel Sri lanka Bell 2. )Danger of new participants. We realize that in not so distant future ,the quantity of contenders contending in the media transmission industry in Sri Lanka will grow up. Eg: We realize that an organization named as â€Å"Airtell† is above to loach their organization in Sri Lanka in not so distant future. 3. )Dealing intensity of providers Unmistakably the organizations which give media transmission administrations to the general public don't execute the gear they use,but they purchase those hardware from the current gear providers. *Supplier fixation *Importance of volume to provider *Differentiation of sources of info *Impact of contributions on cost or separation *Switching expenses of firms in the business *Presence of substitute information sources *Threat of forward combination *Cost comparative with all out buys in industry Eg:Dialog utilize the Telecommunication gear delivered by the CISCO. 4. )Bartering intensity of purchasers. Clients reserve an option to purchase the item which they believe is the most reasonable. Further more they can pick the item as indicated by their salary. *Bargaining influence *Buyer volume *Buyer data *Brand character *Price affectability *Threat of in reverse reconciliation *Product separation *Buyer focus versus industry *Substitutes accessible *Buyers motivating forces Eg: Some clients utilize prepaid associations while some different clients use associations with month to month rental. 5. )Danger of substitute item or administrations. Person is an animal which has a lot of interest in his psyche to find new things. Because of this the current Telecommunication industry might be supplanted by another industry which utilize an alternate methodology and an alternate innovation. Eg; another innovation may be executed in future to give a superior correspondence by means of the entire world with a little expense of cash. 1. ) Rivalry among existing firms.. A bigger number of firms This builds competition since more firms must vie for similar clients and assets. The competition escalates if the organizations have comparable piece of the pie, prompting a battle for advertise administration. On the off chance that w e consider about the circumstance in Sri Lanka ,there is just a predetermined number of individuals living in Sri Lanka. Because of that ,the quantity of individuals ,who utilizes the cutting edge innovation to speak with one another is restricted. Eg: Total number of Dialog clients is equivalent to 10 million. There are a great deal of Telecommunication organizations contending with one another to pull in the clients to their organization. Be that as it may, there are just a set number of individuals who utilizes these Technology to satisfy their wants. Slow market development This makes firms battle for piece of the pie. In a developing business sector, firms can improve incomes essentially on account of the growing business sector. Because of constrained populace in Sri Lanka ,advertise development is similarly moderate. This prompts a major rivalry between the organizations to acquire benefit. Low exchanging costs This expands competition. At the point when a client can unreservedly change starting with one item then onto the next there is a more prominent battle to catch clients. In the event that we consider about the Telecommunication side,one client may change starting with one organization then onto the next. Eg: Dialog client may change to Tigo. This prompts a basic issue, where organizations are battling to catch the clients. Doormen 5 Forces free paper test Five Forces investigation for IT industry Wipro Technologies is a worldwide data innovation (IT) administrations organization. It gives custom application structure and advancement, IT counseling, frameworks coordination, innovation foundation out sourcing, programming items and BPO administrations. Michael Porters Five Forces Model ganders at five key regions the danger of passage, the intensity of purchasers, the intensity of providers, the danger of substitutes, and serious competition. Danger of new contestants: New participant in the market may affect portion of more established partners Threat of substitute: Due to innovative advances, Quality imperatives or cost adequacy there can be a danger of the substitute on the business. Dealing Power of client: This is the haggling intensity of the client - one who is customer of the merchandise. Bartering Power of providers: This is the dealing intensity of the provider - one who supplies sources that are required for completed products. Near Rivalry inside Industry: It tells about degree of rivalry in the middle of firms in an industry. We will compose a custom exposition test on Watchmen 5 Forces or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Watchmen Five Forces assists with investigating how these powers demonstration together to make the organization increment or abatement benefit of the organization. The procedure of the organization ought to be to impact these powers to amplify benefit. Thus underneath is an investigation of the IT business and investigation of benefit in custom application plan improvement, frameworks combination, innovation foundation the board sections of IT Threats and obstructions to passage Economies of scale and Capital Investment Requirements: IT requires low venture and consequently we have several new businesses beginning each year. While it is anything but difficult to contribute and begin a product organization continuing development doesn't come simple. All these new companies likewise play in a region where Wipro doesn't contend like low worth ventures or in subcontracted work. Subsequently they are not a danger to the productivity of Wipro. India is the most loved goal for off shoring Information Technology (IT) and IT empowered Services. The Indian IT/ITES industry orders over half of worldwide ITES off shoring piece of the pie. The IT/ITES sends out are set to cross USD 60 billion by 2010 and Nasscom (The National Association for Software and Services Companies), assesses that the business will represent USD 63. 7 billion of incomes and direct work is relied upon to arrive at about 2. 3 million. The IT business contributes around 26 percent of Indias absolute fares and was around 6. 1 percent of Indias GDP for budgetary year 2009-2010 (NASSCOM, 2010). 2 Customer exchanging costs Wipro works across verticals like telecom, BFSI, Media and Communication, Automobiles, Government, Technology, Manufacturing, Energy, Healthcare, Hospitality and so forth and has a few ODC or seaward improvement places for almost all top organizations on the planet. These seaward improvement places have a huge number of assets working with multi year ventures winning a huge number of dollars of income a year. The expense of moving or exchanging even a piece of these tasks to different organizations would include immense set up, progressing costs with no ensured outcomes. Wipro has quality accreditations like Cmmi Level 5, PCMM Level 5,BS9977 and so forth and new contestants will confront a hindrance in such manner. Worldwide agreements won't be given to organizations with the absence of accreditation.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Using Lined Paper Writing

Using Lined Paper WritingThere are many uses for lined paper writing. There are also a few things you need to keep in mind when using it. The most important thing is that the end result should be easy to read. Here are some tips for lining your writing with a good printer.The first thing you need to do is find a good printer. In order to get one that has liners, you'll need to go online and look at some of the printers available. You can choose from ones that are easy to use and low cost. You'll also want to make sure you get a printer that's easy to read and prints well.Choose a printer that can meet your needs at a good price. You might find an option that meets all of your needs at a much lower price. Once you know what your budget is, you can shop around.Buying in bulk is a good idea. This way you can save money. However, you may find that there is a limit to how much you can save. For example, if you buy 100 sheets of lined paper for writing and take that paper to a store where they sell liners, you can get them at a much cheaper price. That should help you pay for the cost of liners.Make sure that you are buying paper that is designed for liners. Liners are designed for heavy duty, smooth and fine lines. Avoid paper that has too much ink or text on it.Be careful when laying out your paper, especially the first time you use it with a good printer. Your first times will be the most important. Once you get the hang of it, the lines will become smooth and you'll see the advantages of using lined paper writing.When you use lined paper writing, you can add a little pizzazz to a plain white paper. For instance, you can use dotted lines to form a border, or even a detailed zigzag. Whatever you choose, make sure that it fits with the rest of the style of your paper.Lined paper writing is a great choice for use when you are trying to save time. If you're working with black and white, it is possible to use lined paper writing to make the lines pop. It will give your papers that professional look.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Analysis of the Civil Rights March of 1963 - 988 Words

Document Analysis, of the Civil Rights March of 1963 Commencing in the late 19th century, state level governments approved segregation acts, identified as the Jim Crow laws, and assigned limitations on voting requirements that caused the African American population economically and diplomatically helpless (Davis, n.d.). The civil rights movement commenced, intensely and assertively, in the early 1940s when the societal composition of black America took an increasingly urban, popular appeal (Korstad Lichtenstein, 1988). The 1950s and 1960s was well known for racial conflicts and civil rights protests. The civil rights movement in the United States during the late 1950s and 1960s was based on political and social strives to achieve†¦show more content†¦It was a speech of hope and strength, and it exemplified the idea the protesters declared of racial unity and a belief that blacks and whites could possibly exist mutually in peace (Hansan, n.d.). As stated by, Kensworthy (196 3), the crowd at the demonstration, acknowledging that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was concluding his speech, hollered once again and waved their signs and banners. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. conclude saying, We will not wait for the President, the Justice Department, nor the Congress, but we will take matters into our own hands and create a source of power, outside of any national structure, that could and would assure us a victory† (Kensworthy, 1963, p.16). According to Kensworthy (1963), The March leaders walked from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House who met and spoke with President Kennedy for over an hour. Afterwards, President Kennedy broadcasted a speech praising the marchers for the deep fervor and the quiet dignity that had depicted the protest (Kensworthy, 1963, p.1). At the end of the ceremonies of the march at the Lincoln Memorial, a pledge was said, reciting the pledge the crowd swore to complete personal commitment to the struggle for jobs and freedom for Americans and to carry the message of the march to my friends and neighbors back home and arouse them to an equal commitment and an equal effort† (Kensworthy 1963, p.16). Stein Axinn (2012) wroteShow MoreRelatedNonviolent Protests: An argumentative essay1411 Words   |  6 Pagesof 1773, the Civil Rights Movement and the Pro-Life Movement of the 1960s, to the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street Movement of current times, â€Å"those struggling against unjust laws have engaged in acts of deliberate, open disobedience to government power to uphold higher principles regarding human rights and social justice† (DeForrest, 1998, p. 653) through nonviolent protests. Perhaps the most well-known of the non-violent protests are those associated with the Civil Rights movement. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

How important is finance to a company - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2600 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Finance is important to any company, because enough capital ensure the smooth operation of company. Faced many kinds of way to finance, company must choose a reasonable method. Debt can cut down the cost of capital but increase the risk as well. Equity has low risk but high cost. So by analyzing the capital gearing is important. Beside, the WACC also can assess the financial condition. As an international mining company, Xstrata pay great attention to the strategy of finance. This report firstly calculate the capital gearing of Xstrata ,then evaluate the capital structure. Secondly, by calculating the WACC, this report analyze the usage of debt and cost of capital. Because the special role of liabilities, so the proportion of debt must be suitable. At last, this report will assess the current source of long-term financing .Large amount of debt will increase the risk of companying the context of capital structure and WACC ,the Xstrata has reasonable financing way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How important is finance to a company" essay for you Create order 1.0 Introduction Finance is important to any company, because enough capital ensure the smooth operation of company. Faced many kinds of way to fianc, company must choose a reasonable method. Debt can cut down the cost of capital but increase the risk as well. Equity has low risk but high cost. So by analyzing the capital gearing is important. Beside, the WACC also can assess the financial condition. 2.0 The capital gearing of the Xstrata As an international mining company, Xstrata pay great attention to the strategy of finance. So its important to critically evaluate the companys current sources of long term finance. For a company, there are many methods to absorb funds .But the relationship between capital structure and financial risk is sensible. So the calculation about gearing is very important. 2.1 The debt to equity is high Capital gearing=long-term debt / shareholders fund. It focused on revealing the stability of the financial structure as well as its own funds to the debt risk tolerance. In this company, the indicators are too high, which reflecting the financial structure is not stable. By analyzing the financial statement of Xstrata, especially the balance sheet(appendix), the long-term debt is 25855.Moreover, the structure of non-current liabilities is clearly, it concludes 9 items as follows: trade and other payables ,interest-bearing loans and borrowings ,convertible borrowings, derivative financial liabilities ,other financial liabilities ,provisions ,pension deficit ,deferred tax liabilities ,other liabilities. AS the security of debt, the shareholders funds are 22763.So the gearing is 1.136.This formula show the safest condition of capital structure. Because the shareholders fund is the own assets of company, it have less repayment risk. Adequate shareholders funds can guarantee the financial security. Under normal circumstances, the Lowe equity ratio is popular, which indicate the strong ability of long-term solvency of enterprises and the high level of protection of the interests of creditors. Though the lower the ratio, the smaller the risk company will encounter, companies can not make full use of the financial leverage. 2.2. Xstrata has sufficient assets to guarantee long-term liabilities There is another capital gearing which can be shown in another way that is long-term debt/long term debt and shareholders funds. Both data of the long-term debt and shareholders fund can be get from the balance sheet(appendix).By calculating, the gearing is 25855/48618=0.531,which was significantly decline. Compared with the first one, this gearing expand its cardinal number. It takes the whole asset as the security of long-term debt. The advantage of it is enhancing the confidence of investor. Because the decrease of gearing can be consider as positive information which indicate a safe financial condition. In other words, it didnt accurately reflect the real repayment ability of Xstrata. 2.3 The debt to total ratio is reasonable Commonly speaking, there is a gearing which is used very broadly. That is gearing=all borrowing/all borrowing+shareholdersfunds. This gearing is also called debt to total assets ratio. The item all borrowing is the sum of non-current liabilities and current liabilities, that is 30915 US$m, and the data can be get from the balance sheet. Then the data about the denominator is the response of total asset, that is 55314 US$m.Then, the ratio is 30915/55314=0.558.This ratio reflect the proportion of debt in total asset, so it show the repayment ability of company and the level of security of interest of creditors. The low level of it means the small debt responsibility .But is also has limitations. For a rational investor, the analyzing of capital structure is very important; especially the relationship between current asset and fixed asset should be paid attention. Moreover, capital structure also affects operational risk. So, an objective attitude is advisable. Compared with industry se ctor, the conservative consider the 50% is security. Under normal circumstances, the smaller the asset-liability ratio is the stronger corporate long-term solvency a company has. But not all people hold this opinion. If the target is too small it indicates that the use of financial leverage is not enough business. Internationally as asset-liability ratio was 60% fit? In the case of Xstrata, it has an appropriate ratio and is making full use of debt as well. Then, there is the last method to calculate the gearing .The gearing =long-term debt/total market capitalization. The data can be easily got from the balance sheet. And the total market capitalization is 33000million.So the ratio is 25855/33000=0.783.This result may be minimum among the four formulas. But it has inevitable defects. The data may exaggerate the level of security. In this circumstance, company put itself to guarantee the long-term debt. There is lot of risk in this condition. Generally speaking, this is the baseline a company can accept. 3.0 The weighted average cost of capital and capital structure 3.1 Two methods to calculate the cost of the capital Having known the gearing, the company should calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).By doing this; this report can give a critical evaluation of the current sources of long-term financing. Firstly, the cost of every item is needed. In order to Cleary analyze the capital structure, this report only choose ordinary share as equity item. For Strata company, the current ex-div share price is 363.04p,the dividend is 18US cent/share, because Xstratas Board of Directors has decided to waive the final dividend for 2008.Then the growth of dividends should be expected based on the historical data .From 2005 to 2007,the dividend respectively is 25Uscent/share,30Uscent/share,34Uscent/share.Based on this trends, the expected growth rate is 15%.So,the cost of ordinary is22.8% .Beside,retained earnings also have an opportunity cost, and it is wrong to consider it as a free source of finance. Generally speaking, it is equal to the cost of equity. Having known the cost of equity by method discussed above, there is another mathematical calculation. In many cases, Capital Asset Priming Model (CAPM) was used to calculate the cost of equity. Compared with last method, it considers the systematic risk witch can not be minimized or eliminated easily. Due to this ,it can analyse the cost in a macro-environment .And the formula is: k= Rf + ÃÆ'Ã… ½Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ² j (Rm Rf).Rf means risk-free rate, it can be approximated by the yield to maturity of treasury bills such as short-term government debt .Due to the current yield data, this report choose 4.9% as risk-free rate. For the beta, it can easily get from the report of Xatrata, and it is 2.81.The beta show a relationship between systematic risk and its impact on specific stocks. Generally speaking, the index which beyond 1 means the systematic exceed the market risk .Beside the two rates mentioned above, the most difficult index to decide is the risk premium. The return of market can be a pproximated by using stock exchange index, such as FTSE 100.But it often over-estimate the risk, so geometric risk premium is recommended. For risk premium, this report gets it by analysing the regular change of it. For the period 1918-1977 ,the risk premium is9%- now seen as too high, and for the period 1900-2001 is was 4.5% but 7.2% for 1951-2001.Then over the period 1926-2002,Ibbotson Associates found 8.4% .Current equity risk premium of 3% to 5%.But in the financial crisis, the return of market is low. Referencing to the return of market, which usually is 4%-7%, this report take 6% as a proxy risk premium. So the cost of equity is 4.9%+2.81*6%=21.76%. Both of the two methods can calculate the cost of equity. Compared with the first one, CAPM inevitably has disadvantage. Based on the assumption that unsystematic risk can be eliminated by diversified portfolios hold by investor, the only factor infects the cost of equity is index beta. Beside risk-free rate and beta, there is no other sensitive element. Moreover ,if the investment diversification is not enough, the company will face not only the system risk but also the scattered independent risk .In this case, the real existed risk can not reflected by this model, CAPM will underestimate the cost of equity. Secondly, this report will analyze the cost of debt. By analyzing the balance sheet of Xatrata, this report considers interest-bearing loans and borrowings as the main source of long-term finance. So the cost of capital of long-term bet equals finance cost/interest-bearing loans and borrowings. The data about finance cost can be get from the income sheet (appendix) which is 1147 US$m and another data 16337US$m can be get from the balance sheet. In the same time, the enterprise tax is 30%.So the cost of debt is 4.9%. 3.2 The capital structure of Xatrata is reasonable Based on the balance sheet, both the weight of debt and equity can be get .Because the weight is made by calculating the proportion of debt and equity. So the weight of equity can be reflected by the rate which is issued capital+retained earning/long-term debt+shareholeds funds. So, the weight of debt is calculated in the someway. Then, the WACC of Xatrata is 12.253%, and its structure is reasonable.43%source of long-term finance is equity capital and 57%source of finance is debt. That means the company has made full use of debt. 4.0 The appropriate usage of debt is important With the context of capital structure and WACC, the evaluation of the long term finance is important. Generally speaking, debt and equity capital is the main source of long-term finance. Capital Structure is the mix of financial securities used to finance the firm. Sometime, the debt-equity ratio reflects the capital structure. So, the balance between share capital and debt capital is important. And the value of a firm is defined to be the sum of the value of the firms debt and the firms equity. Whats more, there is a relationship among capital structure, cost of capital and the value of the firm. According to traditional theory of capital structure, within the framework of certain liabilities, the increasing of debt will lead the cost of equity increase, but this crease can not offset the deduction of WACC which is caused by debt financing. So it is important to control the limitation. In this limitation, the increase of debt financing can cut down the WACC, which can also increase the value of company. In contrast, the financial risk will increase when the limitation was exceeded. In the same time, WACC will increase and the value of company will drop. According to this theory, there is an optimal capital structure which can get by adjusting the debt ratio. Another theory found by Modigliani and Miller thought that debt can increase the value of company, and the effect is positively correlated. In the case of tax exist in the company, liabilities interest was diminished before tax, which can reduce the tax. In other words, the increased earning caused by the tax saving can totally contribute to the value of company. But in real word, this situation is not accurate. This financial crisis was partly duo to the wrong way of financing. October24, 2008, the United States, Alpha Bank and Trust shut down, which become the 16th bank collapsed as a result of sub-prime mortgage crisis. In the march of 2008, the first investment bankBear Stearns which collapsed due to the crisis has a high total asset to equity ratio. Whiling the use of debt management can increase return on investment, it also bring high financial risk. Because when there is financial distress in a company, obligations to creditors are not met or are met with and the cost of debt will become considerable with very high gearing. So high level of debt increases the financial risk therefore, firm value can be affected. In the case of Xstrata, its capital structure is reasonable. Because the WACC was usually used as the tool to decide the investment .Compared with the need rate of return, the WACC is acceptable when it is high than the rate of return. But it is not means the lower the better. The capital structure is also very important. Based on the good capital structure, a company can make full use of capital gearing and keep the low risk as well. In the case of Xstrata, its capital gearing is not very high and the debt to total assets ratio is 53.1%.Compared with industry sector, it is acceptable. Due to the enough capital to ensure the payback ability, Xstrata effectively use debt t finance in the safe financial condition. Beside this, the WACC of Xstrata is low .Based on the reasonable capital structure, low WACC can raise the value of company. But this only means Xstrata has an ability to finance by a mix of debt and equity. In the current economic and financial climate, mortgage and leasing is very common. Finance derivatives are also used as source of finance. But it is difficult to manage and has high risk especially in the financial crisis. 5.0 Conclusion Long-term finance is very important to a company. So the source of long-term finance is should paid great attention. Generally speaking, company finance by using debt capital or shareholders funds. So the capital structure must be reasonable. High debt means high risk a company must encounter but it also means a low cost of capital. So a low WACC not must increase the value of company. A good company must have a good balance in the debt and equity capital. Reference Allen, M.T. (1995), Capital structure determinants in real estate limited partnerships, The Financial Review, Vol. 30. pp: 399-426 Chiang Yat Hung and Chan Ping Chuen (2002), Capital structure and profitability of the property and construction sectors in Hong Kong, Journal of Property Investment Finance, Vol. 20 pp: 434-453 Eugene, B. and Scott, B. (2004), Essentials of Managerial Finance, New York: Thomson Learning Michael, F. and Mitchell, A. P. (2006), Does the Source of Capital Affect Capital Structure? The review of financial studies, Vol.19, No.1,pp:45-79 This article is not included in your organizations subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organizations agreement with Elsevier. Luzi Hail, Christian Leuz (2009), Cost of capital effects and changes in growth expectations around U.S. cross-listings, Journal of financial economics, Vol.93, No .3, pp: 428-454 Michael, F. and Mitchell, A. P. (2006), Does the Source of Capital Affect Capital Structure? The review of financial studies, Vol.19, No.1,pp:45-79 Mario, M., Francesco, R. and Laura, Z. (2008), On the Equivalence between the APV and the WACC approach in a growing Leveraged Firm, European Richard, A. B., Stewart, M. (2000) Principle of corporate Finance. New York: McGraw-Hill Viviane, F. (2006), The CAPM and value at risk at different time-scales, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol.15, No.3, and pp: 203-219

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Genetically Modified Foods For The Health Of The General...

Granny smith apples are a favorite snack for many people. This healthy grab and go snack can be found at nearly every grocery store and food stand in the U.S. Packed full of full flavor and nutrition, granny smith apples hold another hidden secret in its sweet and sour’s genetically engineered. Tangelos, nectarines, and plums are also among the foods that have been genetically engineered (ISAAA). Although GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and GM foods have been deemed safe for the environment and human consumption, there is an ongoing debate regarding the safety of genetically modified foods. Some people have concerns about the effects that consuming genetically engineered foods will have on the health of the general public†¦show more content†¦Many of the foods consumed on a regular basis are products of genetic engineering. For example, approximately 85% of all corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified (Young). Other examples of GM foods include n ectarines, papayas, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and even milk. It is noted that GMOs are present in nearly 70% of prepackaged foods sold in grocery stores (Genetically Modified Foods). It is this stated fact that has raised questions about the safety of genetically modified foods. While some believe that genetically modified foods are safe and beneficial, others feel that there may be side effects and risks associated with consuming the engineered foods. According to the Institute for Responsible Technology, genetically modified foods have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals, (Medline Plus). One of the most frequently discussed concerns of consuming GM foods is the effects they may have on the health of those that eat them. As a result of food genes being modified, it has been suggested that the cross breeding of food genes can affect people that suffer from food allergies that had not been previously experienced (Lemouse). For example, if peanut are in tomatoes due to genetic engineering, someone with a peanut allergy could quite possibly react to tomatoes (Medline Plus). This is an example of the reasons presented by

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Technics and Praxis Philosophy of Technology

Question: Discuss about the Technics and Praxis for Philosophy of Technology. Answer: Introduction: Galileo was an eminent scientist and professor in the 17th century and his life is a picture showing the conflict between dogma and scientific evidence. His life is an example showing the constancy of human nature during the period of crisis and in the face of oppression. Arguably, his life showed the needs for the mankind with reference to progress in science. He was inquisitive about the telescope that showed legacy of knowledge being used by the powerful against the mankind. There showed a clash between an individual conscience and society. His life also depicts that the relationship of a human with nature is inevitable. The man has to choose between his personal thoughts and safety. His innovative ideas were discouraged by the Church people forcing him to choose his safety over his personal ideology. He was sent to house arrest forcing him to recant his beliefs and accept the Catholic Church as the supreme power (Brecht 2015). The play Life of Galileo depicted that how a person could change by making transformations in ones thoughts and ideas (Young 2014). People are influenced by nature according to their needs and interests. Galileo had shortage of money that made him steal the idea of telescope and gain monetary benefits. This shows the philosophy between the human nature and his needs. Galileo was in need for money that made him steal the idea of telescope. During his imprisonment by the Church, he transformed over a new leaf. He did continuous progress contributing to the science field. He observed nature and expanded his thoughts in the field of science. Man is encompassed in the realm of nature. The mans relationship with the nature lies in the biosphere like the earth, sun and all the entities that are necessary to live. The nature is present within oneself in the form of materialized thing and information. The external principles govern human life and if it disappears, life is lost (Cederblom 2012 ). Galileo made notable discoveries and innovations in the field of science during his years of imprisonment in the Church. He invented a telescope that was based on Hans Lippershey idea to view images of the earth and help to explore the sky. He observed the celestial bodies carefully like the moon, planets and stars. He also observed the different phases of Venus, moons orbiting around Jupiter, discovery of sunspots, craters of the moon, Milky Way discovery and other distinguished work in the field of physics and science. This shows the unique relation of man with the nature. Man continuously shows curiosity and inclination towards nature that leads to innovation (Chi, Glaser and Farr 2014). Galileo questioned the traditional beliefs about the solar system, social system, economic and religious beliefs. This shows how he transformed his thoughts and perceptions towards a new scientific approach leading to innovation when compared to his previous life (Shapere 2012). His continuous exp eriments and personal interest about the nature helped him to experiment and discover the nature. His personal interests in context to nature made him innovative and made progress in the field of science, astronomy and physics. Philosophy is an attempt to understand the occurrence of things in a broad sense. The philosophy of technology is concerned with technological innovations have an impact on the society and culture. Philosophy in technology is the ability to understand the designing and creation of artifacts and how the things in nature are created (Rapp 2012). The technology imitates nature and the creations made in the field of technology from the natures perspective. The technology field also has moral obligations that raise questions of responsibility. The judgments and decisions made in the field of science and technology influences humans and the nature (Ihde 2012). Similarly the field of business and publication has moral obligations that humans abide by. The business is a collaborative activity therefore; there is a need to follow the societal laws for social relations in the business world. The publication world also demands moral principles as people should view their ideas in the path to en lighten without hurting the sentiments of the people. Galileo published his works in Italian rather than Latin that was well understood by the common people. Moral obligations also persist in context to personal relationships as it guides an individuals behavior being in a relationship. The moral values underpin the personal relationships in people and the personal interests. Galileo life showed the conflicts between an individuals needs, science and society. The monetary crisis made him steal the idea of telescope and the oppression from the higher authorities of the Church made him recant his opinions and beliefs. The torture by the Church people made him choose his survival over his scientific profession. He betrayed his scientific principles by recanting his opinions and scientific ideas. However, he was able to complete his work while he was in prison. He continuously transformed his thoughts towards a scientific approach led to the invention of notable scientific theories. Even after his imprisonment, he continues writing his findings in Italian so that he could project his ideas to the common people. He was brave enough to go above the Scripture interpretations and placed science above all. The relationship of man with nature is the placement of mankind within the existence of environment. The human nature is concerned with the expansion of the forces that are productive and leads to fulfillment of universal needs and mans organized transformation into material environment (Habermas 2014). Galileo observed that two things falling from different heights fall at the same time leads to the invention of theory of relativity. This theory formed the basic framework for the Newtons laws of Motion. These innovations have some moral obligations that form the basis for philosophical discussions. The human actions have direct consequences that would lead to innovation or destruction. The nature man relationship is ambiguous as the nature is considered as a provider as well as an enemy. The technology and continuous innovation made by humans have both positive and negative implications on the nature. The technology reflects the human cognition, actions and constrains. Therefore, ev ery human action would have repercussions on the mankind and the society as a whole. Civil disobedience means active and professed refusal of people to obey particular commands, laws and demands of government or international power. According to Thoreau (2012), civil disobedience can be used as a ritualistic violation or symbolic violation of law except rejecting the whole system. On the other hand, morality refers to action, intention and decision difference between proper and improper distinguishes. As opined by Clayton and Stevens (2014), morality may be a part of principles that is derived from code of conduct of a specific culture, philosophy or religion. Clayton and Stevens (2014) argued that mortality can be acquired from principle, on which a person has belief and it must be universal. People can deliberately break specific laws like form peaceful blockade or facility illegally occupation via occurrence of violence. This may be a specific form of civil disobedience. It is expected that the authority can attack the people or may beat them. Thoreau (2012) defin ed the civil disobedience as pretention of relation of citizen to their State and the laws of State. Civil disobedience can be distinguished from constitutional impasse of any agencies. Morality has a deep relation with ethics and enlightenment. Enlightenment means the emergence of human being from self incurred minority (Kant 1996). Minority is an inability to convince one to use the understanding of that person except any direction from others. On the other hand, Delmas (2016) said that minority can be self incurred at the time when it became the cause of lies and the person is lack of knowledge. The person may be lack of courage and resolution also to utilise it except anyones help. In case of civil disobedience, a natural and common result of undue respect for law is that one may watch a file of colonel, corporal, soldiers, captain and privates, marching admirably over the hills to fight against the wills of them. They have an aim to disobedient the rules of the government. Civil disobedience comes from the negligence of minority people. The soldiers of civil disobedience protested against the government to fight for the minority people to give them back their r ights. However, for an individual it is difficult to fight against the government and get back the rights of minority (Kant 1996). It is a long time process and need a lot of people. Peoples morality and ethics are almost same and it depends on obligation, duty and principles of conduct to reserve the ethics. Thoreau believed that enlightenment can come via the solitude. He wrote the Civil Disobedience after spending one night in jail with the slave people to know the reason of their disobedience (Thoreau 2012). However, tribal morality is different from territorial morality (Williams 2012). Territory morality involves the property and dependency that cannot be damaged. In these sense, territorial morality is very permissive to allow the behaviour of people. Tribal morality is very prescriptive and imposes norms of collective on individuals. These norms may be very arbitrary and dependent culturally as well as flexible. The aim of the territorial mortality is on the rules that are universal and proper like categorical imperative of Kant and graded absolutism of Geisler. (Fisher 2016) related the territorial morality development and contract ascendancy over status. The theories of civil disobedience are the justification against the governmental entities. In opposition, civil disobedience is the decision of the non governmental agencies like trade union, private universities and banks (Thoreau 2012). It reflects a great challenge to legal system to permit the taken decisions. It is essential to disobey the rules, which conflicts with morality and should take public civil disobedience form moderately than simply lawbreaking. Morality is the answer of the question, how to live a healthy life. It can be seen to address the particular question at social level via political sphere increases additional problems and the challenges. Rawls (2013) suggested that civil disobedience should be non-violent and carefully chosen. Civil rebellion and civil disobedience can be justified by constitutional defects application whereas rebellion is more destructive. The defects justify use of civil disobedience and refuse to submit the arrest. Refraining of civil disobedience from violence is said to preserve the tolerance of society of civil disobedience. Intimidator, coercive disobedience and violent is more efficiently and effectively. It is equal and less effective than more justified. Group morality improves from the shared concepts and faith and often is codified for the regulation of behaviour r within a community or in a culture. People, who choose the moral action, are very popular to possess the moral fiber. Immoral behaviour can be labelled as degenerative socially. A continued group existence depends on large conformity to morality codes and the shortcoming to adjust the moral codes to respond new challenges. The new challenges sometimes are credited with demise of community. Within national movements, it can be felt that a nation cannot survive without the acknowledgement of common morality. As mentioned by Kant (1996), political morality is relevant to behaviour of national government internationally. It supports the receiving host population. Wendt (2016) argued that if a particular action is right for one then it is right for the others or the community also. Morality has a relation with religion. However, many people misunderstand that morality and religion are synonyms (Williams 2012). Morality does not depend on the religion and it is an automatic assumption. Religion, ethics and morality are different and the action guide is also different. Civil disobedience of Thoreau described the responsibility of human to bring the justice to the people who need it. However civil disobedience is encouraged by the social responsibilities. Thoreau (2012) opined that he met with a man during the service in prison who was accused because of burning a barn. Thoreau found the man is very honest at his work and his intuition. Some studies showed that morality empirics in different c ountries and relationship between crime and belief. Higher rates of faith are highly related with creators worship with homicide of higher rates. The relation between morality and religion is that religious beliefs should be advocated through moral values. The morality does not lie in the context to teach religion but follow moral norms (Wainwright 2014). People wear the cloak of religion and prate morality. Morality exists in the religion and its a practice particularly behavior. It is transformed into the forms of behavior and is considered as a religion. It is the development of oneself by inculcating moral values that would help to make progress in the society and development of civilization (Bloom 2012). The ethical movement in religion shows that moralistic activity tends to relate with religion. Religion is a kind of knowledge and morality is the life with which we lead that knowledge. If religion is the way to think and believe then morality is the way to desire, aim, live and how to behave. These tidings are explicitly depicted in the book Hind Swaraj by Mahatma Gandhi. In the book Hind Swaraj or Indian Home rule by Mahatma Gandhi mentioned that the civilization is very irreligious. The civilians lack the power of courage and are not able to live in solitude. They waste their energy into intoxication. He described the condition of the women in England working as laborers in factories. In his book, Gandhi mentioned the importance of religion in his life and stated the condition of India as irreligious. People are tuning away from the God mentioning the lost of moral values from lives of people. All religion teaches us to be passive and the religious ambitions of people are illimitable (Sharma 2014). He also mentioned that the deceptive talks about religion are prevalent and the humbug of civilization is not to be found in religion. The Hindus and Mahomedans fight in the name of religion and shed blood. This causes death of thousands of people being murdered, burnt and tortured due to religious conflict. These cruelties are not the part of any religion but have devastating effects on human life and sentiments. With the progressing civilization, people are losing their morale and practicing these heinous acts by disregarding religion. There is no end to these heinous acts and people are dying under the scorching flames of religion. Gandhi considered this as irreligious and stated that people should fight against it without disrespecting religion. Gandhi showed serious considerations about the condition of India. With respect to religion, God has set a limit for Man in regards of locomotion of ones body; Man has overpowered that limit and proceeding in that path. God gifted human beings with intelligence so that they know their maker better but Man abuse religion forgetting his own maker. India is a country with people belonging to different religions and cannot cease into one nation. He explained that the introduction of foreigners has led to the merging of religions rather than disru ption of religion. The conscious spirit of oneness and nationality does not allow the Indians to interfere in others religion. He said all the country men are one and they consider India as their own nation (Prasad 2016). Gandhi developed the concept of Satyagraha through religion. He described Satyagraha as religion and it stays in every religion. Without the existence of religion, politics could not be advocated. He said that the modern civilization is irreligion and politics is articulated through religion (Puri 2015). Satyagraha is the philosophy of life. It is actually the religion that people abide by and it governs the life of the people. It is a new way of life that helps people to acquire the wealth of knowledge that is religion. It is a true religion and it encompasses the entire social life. It is a practical philosophy and a spiritual weapon that is only attained by self purification. The literal meaning of Satyagraha is truth and it is engraved in the realm of religion. The core of every religion is truth and this formed the basis for his concept of Satyagraha and non-violence movement. He showed the use of religion in politics. He said that religion plays a constructive role in the field of politics. Gandhi was a man of religion and through this he evolved the concept of truth and non violence. He implemented Satyagraha through insistence of truth in peoples life and in the fight against the injustice. The political ideologies are based on truth or satya that helps to attain the power that is equivalent to the countrys religion (Hauser 2014). He critically analyzed the social aspects of religion that sought him to reform the religion and helped him to develop the concept of Satyagraha. The truth is a moral value that is the foundation of every sphere of life. The morality and religion forms the basis for the Satyagraha to evolve. He reframed the concept of religion through truth and Satyagraha prevailed from that instance that is advocating non-violence through religion. Religion is true and it is the fundamental of all kinds of religion (George 2014). God is the purest form of truth and practicing it through Satyagraha is the real practice. As god is one for every religion in the same way the meaning of truth is same in every aspect of life. The nationality of a person is a pursuit of truth and it is worshiped above all. The God is the supreme power that is unseen and resides in the light of truth. In fact, God is the form of truth and when truth is practiced through religion it emerges as the undefeated power. Religion relies on the belief system and peoples beliefs are reflected through their concept of faith and truthfulness towards the supreme power that is God. The religion that brings a person in contact with the actual Maker that religion is above all other religion (Parel 2016). It makes a man face t o face with the unseen power and helps him to discover the inner meaning of truth. The moral value of truth is the strongest weapon that defines the actual meaning of life. The above readings give a clear idea that Mahatma Gandhi developed his ideology of Satyagraha through truth and religion that is present in every sphere of life. References Bloom, P., 2012. Religion, morality, evolution.Annual review of psychology,63, pp.179-199. Brecht, B., 2015.Life of Galileo. Bloomsbury Publishing. Cederblom, J.B., 2012. Critical reasoning: Understanding and criticizing arguments and theories. Chi, M.T., Glaser, R. and Farr, M.J., 2014.The nature of expertise. Psychology Press. Clayton, M. and Stevens, D., 2014. When god commands disobedience: Political liberalism and unreasonable religions.Res Publica,20(1), pp.65-84. Delmas, C., 2016. Civil Disobedience.Philosophy Compass,11(11), pp.681-691. Fisher, L., 2016. Civil Disobedience as Legal Ethics: The Cause-Lawyer and the Tension between Morality and" Lawyering Law".Harv. CR-CLL Rev.,51, pp.481-537. George, R.P., 2014.The clash of orthodoxies: Law, religion, and morality in crisis. Open Road Media. Habermas, J., 2014.The future of human nature. John Wiley Sons. Hauser, M., 2014.Moral minds. HarperCollins e-Books. Ihde, D., 2012.Technics and praxis: A philosophy of technology(Vol. 24). Springer Science Business Media. Kant, I., 1996.Kant: The metaphysics of morals. Cambridge University Press. Parel, A.J., 2016.Pax Gandhiana: The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. Oxford University Press. Prasad, D., 2016. Gandhi and Revolution. Puri, B., 2015. The Philosophy Behind Gandhis Practise.Sophia,54(3), pp.385-390. Rapp, F., 2012.Analytical philosophy of technology(Vol. 63). Springer Science Business Media. Rawls, J., 2013. The justification of civil disobedience.Arguing about law, pp.244-253. Shapere, D., 2012.Reason and the Search for Knowledge: Investigations in the Philosophy of Science(Vol. 78). Springer Science Business Media. Sharma, S., 2014. Gandhian philosophy of satyagraha a few glimpses.JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management Strategy,19(2), pp.54-56. Thoreau, H.D., 2012.Civil disobedience and other essays. Courier Corporation. Wainwright, W.J., 2014. Morality and Religion.The Bloomsbury Companion to Ethics, p.119. Wendt, F., 2016.Compromise, Peace and Public Justification: Political Morality Beyond Justice. Springer. Williams, B., 2012.Morality: An introduction to ethics. Cambridge University Press. Young, J., 2014.The death of God and the meaning of life. Routledge.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Albert Einstein Essays - Einstein Family, Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Essays - Einstein Family, Albert Einstein Albert Einstein When many people hear the name Albert Einstein, they say, Ooh what did he do, write a bunch of stuff on a chalkboard, prove to some scientists that he was right, and then star in a Pepsi commercial? Well, Im here to tell you that he did much more than that, (even though I really like that Pepsi commercial.) Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Wrttemberg, Germany. Albert began his extensive studies at a school in Munich. At Munich he pursued a career in Electrical Engineering, but failed an exam and was rejected from Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule in Zurich. After failing at his original choice of schools, he went on to a secondary school in Aarau to train himself enough to be admitted into ETH (his original choice). While at Aarau he planned on becoming a teacher in mathematics and physics. As expected he did graduate from ETH in the year 1900 with a degree in teaching for the subjects of Math and Physics. He didnt however get a job right away, he, in fact, went around writing to different universities applying for one. After searching for about a year, he finally landed a job at a high school teaching mathematics. While at this school he wrote in one of his journals, I have given up the ambition to get to a University After he went through this job, and indeed a couple more, his friend from school, Marcel Grossmann sought him out so his father could help him get a job. After a recommendation to the director of patents, Einstein held a temporary patent post, holding the title, Technical Expert Third Class. He was promoted several times over a span of about 5 years. While working at the patent office, he finished a boatload of theoretical physics publications. He even earned a doctorate on one from the University of Zurich. This paper was entitled, On a new determination of molecular dimensions. After publishing a few more papers, he began to be recognized. He became a university lecturer. After a few years of lecturing for Universities, he began to travel. Many people believe that the reason he moved away from Germany was because of the anti-Jewish movements. He visited the U.S. a few times as well as many other countries. But in 1935, Einstein was granted permanent residency in the USA. As a US citizen, Einstein was credited for many new contributions to science. But his biggest known project in the US is the assistance he provided in the Atomic Bomb. On August 2nd 1939, Einstein wrote to Franklin D. Roosevelt, (then the president of the US.) Him and a few other scientists warned him about Germanys studies of Uranium, the key to an atomic bomb. Roosevelt was then inclined to start his own project, the Manhattan Project. A project solely developed to discover a method to make an atomic bomb. After about 6 years of Einstein working alongside other great minds of history, a final product was introduced. Code named Gadget, the atomic bomb was escorted to the test site in Los Alamos. Here they would all watch to see the magnitude of their invention. On July 16th, 1945, at the time of 5:29:45 (mountain war time) the A-bomb, as it was called, was detonated. It then produced a mushroom cloud 30,000 feet high. All that was left at the blast site were fragments of jade green glass, produced from the heat and the sand. Many of the bombs creators had different views on the success of the project. J. Robert Oppenheimer thought the project was a total success. One of the other creators was quoted as saying, Now were all sons of bitches. Einstein agreed, he also didnt like what he saw. His view of it was that they had created a monster. He spent much of the rest of his life fighting to get rid of the bomb. But his pleas were ignored. His final letter was to a man named Bertrand Russell, in it he asked to be put on a manifesto urging the world to hang up their nuclear weapons. He died on the 18th of April in 1955 at the town of Princeton, New Jersey, right here in

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Revolutionary War essays

Revolutionary War essays In the American Revolution two totally different armies from two totally different countries and cultures collided in a war to settle the freedom of a nation in the making. This setting made for some sloppy warfare, but more importantly it showcased the advantages and disadvantages for each side. The British armys main weakness was its leadership, not a lack of leadership or even a lack of leaders, just the wrong guys in the wrong place. Advancement in the military was based on connections, money, and seniority. This allowed people of no experience or skill to buy their way into positions of great power. This is evident with leaders such as Germain, and Montagu, who were either incompetent and inexperienced or corrupt and unmotivated. Contrary to popular belief George III was able to command and lead his country but had very little decision making power. This impotency did not stop at the high-ranking decision-makers. Many of the generals in the colonies were weak and poorly suited to do battle. Several experienced and respected generals, like Gage and Howe, were unsuccessful due poor decision making and an admitted lack of imagination and extreme cautiousness. Then there were other generals who were very able but due to their enormous egos ended up failing in important sit uations. The only very effective general on a constant basis was Cornwallis, and even he couldnt deliver when it counted. On the other hand as you go down the ranks of the British military the ability of the soldiers got better. The infantry and cavalry was the best trained and finely tuned organizations of military in the world at that time. This was a terrific advantage when they actually got into traditional battles with the Americans poorly trained and inexperienced fighters. On the American side of the fighting things werent much better. American leadership was mostly self-taught generals who were desperately inexperienced and un...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Leagal research Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Leagal research - Term Paper Example According to the conditions that existed before the Land Registration Act of 2002, adverse possession was not valid if the illegal occupant gave written notice of the true owners or if the actual owners physically occupied the land. After twelve years of occupation, the squatter on land could apply for registration of title as proprietor of a new or registered estate.   Therefore, by way of these limitations, the granting of title to the squatter was provisional and the required time period had to elapse before a squatter could legally claim the title to the land. However, the important factor that existed was that the issue of ownership did not rise in this case of adverse possession before the Land Registration Act, what the squatter gained was merely the right to continue to possess the land and enjoy complete rights to it as if he actually held the title of the property. But according to the provisions of the new Land Registration Act, which came into force on 13 Oct 2003, squatters may directly put in an application for ownership. The law relating to adverse possession has undergone several changes, whereby the issue at stake is not title to the land,   so much as direct ownership of the land, either by the squatter or the paper owner. In a recent case, the Court suspended the possession order against a widowed mother who had enjoyed possession of land for thirteen years registration Act of 2002   clarifies that no matter how long the possession of the land, it will not bar the paper owner’s title to the registered land. Adverse possession in itself will not give the squatter the right to register the land. The application must be made on an ADVI form and be accompanied by a statutory declaration. The owners must be notified and will have the right to oppose the squatter’s claim for ownership and title to the property,   there is no guarantee of success if the land is registered, even if fences have been erected by the squatter.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Minutes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Minutes - Essay Example Next, COL Haselden talked about the Garrison Leadership off site Conference that was held in Washington, DC on March 26 and 27, 2009. It was a very productive off site conference, which had around 60 employees who participated. During the conference, a professional Strategic Planner assisted our leaders in identifying the current critical issues and the actions that needed to improve. COL Haselden also talked about the mission statement that was slightly modified to include a safe and secure environment on the installation. He discussed the good and successful work accomplished over the past couple of years. Every Directorate and office had been successful in meeting their mission. However, the infrastructure on the installation is the most visible proof of our hard work, according to him. COL Haselden indicated that some issues in the focus area were customer service, Processional Development, Team Work, and Public Relation He talked about obtaining business cards of customer service representatives because he is a staunch advocate of good customer service. According to COL Hasleden, team work is very important. COL Hasleden was very impressed by the amount of team work that we exhibited at the Offsite and throughout the Garrison. Ms. Weatherington reported that the Civilian Development army is relying more heavily on its Civilian workforce to generate force and sustain our commitments. We are in competition for talented civilians with other government agencies and the private industry. Furthermore, she stated that we need to sustain the Civilian Corps contribution and the future depends upon the investment we make today. Ms. Moorash stated that the established assessment recognized by the industry is a solid predictor of occupational interests of the employees. It is beneficial to those starting to explore their education and career interests, but it is likewise used for confirmation that individuals are in the most appropriate career

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Project Management Essay Example for Free

Project Management Essay 1. Executive Summary This business plan for R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store has been created by an ESN to secure additional funding for growth and to inform retailers and consumers of the current status and direction. R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store is a new company that is launching in Houston, Texas. The company anticipates great demand for its product, and research shows that the target market of families and plus size girls would like to buy the product line that R. E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store offers. R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store is also interested in extending their product line with new creative additions and plans to explore opportunities for online selling. The marketing environment has been very receptive to the company’s high quality products. In the future, R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store looks to increase its distribution, offer new products, and win new customers. Goals Definition Statement Goal Definition This proposal design project will be the first major strategic design that we will apply to our original concept and designs. The design will consist of girls plus size designs, accessories of all colors and patterns to match clothing. Our goal is to create trendy designs of clothing and accessories that will consist of tops, pants, outerwear, active wear, shoes, under garments, purses, and accessories. R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store fashions will provide a high quality product where the image is recognizable among the young fashion conscience consumers. It will create a sense of community among plus size girls and their families who purchase the product. Goals that address our mission: The major focus of this project is to seek to be the leading brand of quality clothing for plus size girls by offering clothing designed with them in mind. * Provide plus size girls with the most dynamic clothing line where styles are contemporary, trendy and just as fashionable as their counterparts. * Clothing creating a boost of self-esteem and an opportunity to show how proud they are to be plus size girls. Goals that address self-sustainment: With this project in place we expect to: * To gain maximum market share over the first five years * To track cost and find ways of lowering them to make our product more competitive in the market place * To analyze the advertising dollars spent * Develop a successful Internet site, while maintaining strong relationships with retailers * Introduce two new product lines—customized logo clothing and accessories Objective Definition * Performance: Looking forward at our five year plan, we expect this new design to provide revenue. The expected amount of revenue the company wishes to make annually is $80,000. A market survey will be conducted so that we will see how our product will place values with our consumers. * Cost Estimate: Designing plans include, materials, manufacturers, distribution, which expected estimate could be $120,000 on an annual basis. * Total Project Cost: $400,000.00 * Schedule: Project duration expected to be five years PROJECT OBJECTIVES * To have a plus size girls clothing store, within 9 months and at a start up cost not to exceed $400,000.00. DELIVERABLES Plus size girls clothing pattern accessories that will be available at the R.E.A.L. Girlz Stores and through the company website are expected to include: * Purses * Cell Phone Covers * Tablet Covers Scope Statement Project Name:R.E.A.L. Girlz Clothing Store Project Manager:Ella Curl Project Objective: To have a plus size girls clothing store, within 9 months and at a start up cost not to exceed $400,000.00. Deliverables:The store will have: * Inventory * POS system * Fixtures * Security cameras * Mannequins * Package that will provide backup process for POS Systems * Package that will provide backup process for IT TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS POS systems will have the capabilities to ring up sales even before adding inventory, barcode scanning, customer reward options, and customer mass email options. It will also allow for employees to sign in and show inventory management, purchasing/receiving and reports. LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS Manufacturers reserve the right to contract the R.E.A.L. Girlz Store and are responsible for work done by sub contractors. Distributors reserve the right and are responsible for all shipments of product through third party shipping companies. R.E.A.L. Girlz Store website is accessible from Sunday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. EST to 10:00 p.m. EST. The POS systems will have access to QuickBooks Accounting but not QuickBooks Pro. GiftLogic software is sold separately. Work Breakdown Structure The following Work Breakdown Structure or WBS Gantt Chart provides a snapshot of the project and indicates that the project objectives will be performed by both internal and external project team members. It is important that it is understood and agreed upon by all stakeholders that this is considered a time-constrained project. The risks that could affect this time-constrained structure will be discussed in the following section. Net Diagram The following chart is the Net Diagram of the project task. This diagram shows all the relationship between the tasks, and the critical path. It shows any changes of the tasks and the outcome of the project. Risk Management Plan The following are a list of risks that might cause the project delays or failures with their respective outcomes (see numerical list below). The four risks that are in orange bold are key risks that appear in the Risk Assessment Table. 1) Getting approved business loan: This could cause a delay if the owner is unable to get an approved loan to establish the business. 2) Meeting criteria to get business license: This could delay the project if the owner doesn’t have the proper documents to get license for the business. 3) Lack of Infrastructure Availability: This is the lack of having a designated building within the city’s own infrastructure, whereas, the product will have to be produced in a different area leaving the risk of increase in the cost and project completion time. 4) Natural Disaster: This risk could cause the project to be hault due to any unexpected weather conditions such as hurricane, tornado, etc. that may occur. 5) Incorrect Product Design: This could delay the product if the product is not designed according to the requested specifications of the customers. 6) Website Crash: In dealing with internet based customers if the website were to have technical difficulties, this risk could delay the product from customers who shop solely by website ordering. 7) Manufacturers Delay: This risk includes the possibility of the manufacturer being able to produce the product on time, which could delay the production time by way of any issues incurring at the manufacturer center. Such as lack of employees to help get the product produce. 8) Distributers untimely shipment: The risk here is found if the distribution center is unable to or there is a delay in shipment arrival by required date, due to time disruption of some sort by way of backorder, etc. 9) Project Manager has personal matter: This could delay the project if the manager has a personal matter such as death of an immediate family member. 10) Product misplacement: This risk can occur due to shipping agency shipping the product to the wrong address, or address information is miscommunicated. Risk Assessment The following is an assessment of these risks in terms of the probability of project occurrence and the negative cost impact of project outcomes. Risk analysis attempts to quantify the severity of the impact of an identified risk event. The probability is subject to change. Risk Response For each risk, we have determined the action that will be taken in an event this risk should occur. The following will take place, either accept, reduce or transfer the risk. The Risk Response Table identifies a brief contingency plan for the risks that have been identified.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Puerto Rico :: essays research papers

Identity Crisis The effect of colonialism on a colonized people can often result in a situation better known to us today as an â€Å"identity crisis.† Studying the history of Puerto Rico under Spanish rule helps us to identify the problems found within modern notions of Puerto Rican identity. Such notions of national identity stem from the belief that Puerto Rico is a "self-defined community of people who share a sense of solidarity based on a belief in a common heritage and who claim political rights that may include self-determination" (Morris 12). However, such modern notions of solidarity contradict the fact that by 1898 Puerto Rican society was characterized by great racial and class differences. As claimed by Josà © Luis Gonzà ¡lez in his Puerto Rico: The Four Storeyed Country, these differences made "Puerto Rico [†¦] a country so divided racially, socially, economically and culturally that it should be described as two countries rather than one" (Gonzalez14). The rise and fall of the international sugar market, and the subsequent ascendancy of the coffee market in the Puerto Rican economy, helped to create the "foreign elements" within Puerto Rico that make modern views of Puerto Rican identity extremely problematic. The study and use of history has played an important role in helping to construct the concept of Puerto Rican national heritage. Francisco Scarano, in his Sugar and Slavery in Puerto Rico, 1815-1949: An Overview, asserts that notions of Puerto Rican national heritage have been portrayed as being an "anomalous case" within the Americas. He writes that many historians have claimed that Puerto Rico had an "economy and society which developed an advanced sugar industry during times of fairly open Atlantic slave trade, yet did not rely to any significant degree on the labor of African slaves" (Scarano 25). This suggests that the racial "heritage" of Puerto Ricans is not predominately black, and therefore, other races must have attributed to this hybridity, as well. Moreover, it also suggests that because forced slavery was not widely practiced on the island, a notion of solidarity could have existed amongst the Puerto Rican people during the 19th Century. How ever, could this example also serve as a precedent for modern uses of history to reinforce perceptions of national identity? Unfortunately, the details surrounding the island’s social and economic structure at that particular time prevent its history from serving as a model for national unity. In the 1840s, sugar became very important in the international market. Puerto Rico :: essays research papers Identity Crisis The effect of colonialism on a colonized people can often result in a situation better known to us today as an â€Å"identity crisis.† Studying the history of Puerto Rico under Spanish rule helps us to identify the problems found within modern notions of Puerto Rican identity. Such notions of national identity stem from the belief that Puerto Rico is a "self-defined community of people who share a sense of solidarity based on a belief in a common heritage and who claim political rights that may include self-determination" (Morris 12). However, such modern notions of solidarity contradict the fact that by 1898 Puerto Rican society was characterized by great racial and class differences. As claimed by Josà © Luis Gonzà ¡lez in his Puerto Rico: The Four Storeyed Country, these differences made "Puerto Rico [†¦] a country so divided racially, socially, economically and culturally that it should be described as two countries rather than one" (Gonzalez14). The rise and fall of the international sugar market, and the subsequent ascendancy of the coffee market in the Puerto Rican economy, helped to create the "foreign elements" within Puerto Rico that make modern views of Puerto Rican identity extremely problematic. The study and use of history has played an important role in helping to construct the concept of Puerto Rican national heritage. Francisco Scarano, in his Sugar and Slavery in Puerto Rico, 1815-1949: An Overview, asserts that notions of Puerto Rican national heritage have been portrayed as being an "anomalous case" within the Americas. He writes that many historians have claimed that Puerto Rico had an "economy and society which developed an advanced sugar industry during times of fairly open Atlantic slave trade, yet did not rely to any significant degree on the labor of African slaves" (Scarano 25). This suggests that the racial "heritage" of Puerto Ricans is not predominately black, and therefore, other races must have attributed to this hybridity, as well. Moreover, it also suggests that because forced slavery was not widely practiced on the island, a notion of solidarity could have existed amongst the Puerto Rican people during the 19th Century. How ever, could this example also serve as a precedent for modern uses of history to reinforce perceptions of national identity? Unfortunately, the details surrounding the island’s social and economic structure at that particular time prevent its history from serving as a model for national unity. In the 1840s, sugar became very important in the international market.

Monday, January 13, 2020

East of Eden: The Discovery of Innocence

The Discovery of Innocence on the Western Frontier What happens in the West? What kind of change takes place when an individual crosses over the boundary separating what has been settled from what has yet to be † the frontier. Over the last few weeks I have continued to probe the idea of the West as a place that has yet to be defined. Many times, authors and people are not even sure where it starts as it is an invisible border that exists only in the minds of those who seek to cross it.Once across this ambiguous frontier, the traveler ncounters a place in which time seems to be suspended. As in the story of the Garden of Eden, paradise (or the West) represents a sphere in which God has held the hands of time, and the people and creatures live in a state of eternal sameness. The idea of ghost towns in the West embodies the notion of a place somehow being removed from the influence of time. Ghost towns exist as settlements that people forgot. However, unlike settlements in the Ea st where space is at a premium and any unused building would quickly be removed and replaced by something else, in theWest these places remain, like footprints on the moon where no erosion of time can disturb them. The same principle applies to people. The West has the effect of amnesia upon the minds of those who partake of it. In many ways, it resembles the lotus flowers from The Odyssey. In the epic, any persons who tasted of the lotus flowers immediately forgot about home and opted to stay where they could partake of the flowers. A similar effect can be found among the mountain men and explorers of the Rocky Mountains.Often times these men would become so intoxicated by the rugged eauty and isolation they found in the West that they would spend years in the mountains instead of the months they had planned on. These men became real life Rip Van Winkles, being suspended from time for so long they were not aware of major events such as presidential elections, new territories, or wa rs. Not only is the West edenic in the way that time operates, it is also closely tied

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mezhirich - Paleolithic Ukraine Mammoth Bone Settlement

The archaeological site of Mezhirich (sometimes spelled Mezhyrich) is an Upper Paleolithic (Epigravettian) site located in the Middle Dnepr (or Dneiper) Valley region of Ukraine near Kiev, and it is one of the best-preserved sites of its type excavated to date. Mezhirich is a large open-air site where several mammoth bone huts with hearths and pit features were used between about 14,000-15,000 years ago. Mezhirich is located approximately 15 kilometers (10 miles) west of the Dnieper river in central Ukraine, located on top of a promontory overlooking the confluence of the Ros and Rosava Rivers, 98 meters (321 feet) above sea level. Buried beneath about 2.7-3.4 m (8.8-11.2 ft) of calcareous loess were the remains of four oval to circular huts, with surface areas of between 12 to 24 square meters (120-240 square feet) each. The dwellings are separated from one another between 10-24 m (40-80 ft), and they are arranged in a V-shaped pattern on the promontory top. Mammoth Bones as Structural Material The main structural elements of the walls of these buildings are stacked mammoth bone, including skulls, long bones (mostly humeri and femora), innominates, and scapulae. At least three of the huts were occupied at approximately the same time. About 149 individual mammoths are believed to be represented at the site, either as building material (for the structures) or as food (from refuse found in nearby pits) or as fuel (as burned bone in nearby hearths). Features at Mezhirich About 10 large pits, with diameters between 2-3 m (6.5-10 ft) and depths between .7-1.1 m (2.3-3.6 ft) were found surrounding the mammoth-bone structures at Mezhirich, filled with bone and ash, and are believed to have been used as either meat storage facilities, refuse pits or both. Internal and external hearths surround the dwellings, and these are filled with burnt mammoth bone. Tool workshop areas were identified at the site. Stone tools are dominated by microliths, while bone and ivory tools include needles, awls, ​perforators, and polishers. Items of personal ornamentation include shell and amber beads, and ivory pins. Several examples of mobiliary or portable art recovered from the site of Mezhirich include stylized anthropomorphic figurines and ivory engravings. The majority of animal bone found at the site are mammoth and hare  but smaller elements of wooly rhinoceros, horse, reindeer, bison, brown bear, cave lion, wolverine, wolf, and fox are also represented  and were probably butchered and consumed on site. Radiocarbon Dates Mezhirich has been the focus of a suite of radiocarbon dates, primarily because while there are numerous hearths at the site and an abundance of bone charcoal, there is almost no wood charcoal. Recent archaeobotanical studies suggest that taphonomic processes which selectively removed wood charcoal may be the reason for the lack of wood, rather than reflecting deliberate bone selection by the occupants. Like other Dnepr River basin mammoth bone settlements, Mezhirich was first thought to have been occupied between 18,000 and 12,000 years ago, based on early radiocarbon dates. More recent ​​Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates suggest a shorter chronology for all mammoth bone settlements, between 15,000 and 14,000 years ago. Six AMS radiocarbon dates from Mezhirich returned calibrated dates between 14,850 and 14,315 BCE. Excavation History Mezhirich was discovered in 1965 by a local farmer, and excavated between 1966 and 1989 by a series of archaeologists from the Ukraine and Russia. Joint international excavations were conducted by scholars from Ukraine, Russia, the UK, and the US well into the 1990s. Sources Cunliffe B. Upper Paleolithic economy and society. In Prehistoric Europe: An Illustrated History. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. Marquer L, Lebreton V, Otto T, Valladas H, Haesaerts P, Messager E, Nuzhnyi D, and Pà ©an S. Charcoal scarcity in Epigravettian settlements with mammoth bone dwellings: the taphonomic evidence from Mezhyrich (Ukraine). Journal of Archaeological Science, 2012, 39(1):109-120. Soffer O, Adovasio JM, Kornietz NL, Velichko AA, Gribchenko YN, Lenz BR, and Suntsov VY. Cultural stratigraphy at Mezhirich, an Upper Palaeolithic site in Ukraine with multiple occupations. Antiquity , 1997, 71:48-62. Svoboda J, Pà ©an S, and Wojtal P. Mammoth bone deposits and subsistence practices during Mid-Upper Palaeolithic in Central Europe: three cases from Moravia and Poland. Quaternary International, 2005, 126–128:209-221. Alternate Spellings: Mejiriche, Mezhyrich